Boundless Sea


[On a beach in the Third Singularity]

El-Melloi II:



(Mr. El-Melloi is acting strangely, Senpai. How do I put it… he’s usually so tense…)

  1. He’s watching the ocean…?
  2. Is he depressed?


Foh, foh.

El-Melloi II:

…………………………… *sigh*

Young lady. If you’re going to hide, at least put your shield on the ground. A wall of steel jutting out of the sand is bound to be noticed.
You too, Gudao. As her Master, you should tell her that much.


E-Excuse me. You seemed rather unapproachable…


Mm…. kyuu, kyuu!

El-Melloi II:

It’s fine. I was just watching the waves. I heard that this sea was named Okeanos because of the Holy Grail.
But it’s just a name. It’s true that the horizon stretches as far as the eye can see, but the ends loop back in on each other.
It’s like a scroll. An eternal ocean, sealed in all four directions.
You can go on an endless voyage, but in reality, the world is a finite boxed garden. Truly preposterous.
As if this is the final end I aimed to reach! You couldn’t call this “Okeanos” in a thousand years!


You aimed to reach Okeanos…? Are those Zhuge Liang’s words?

El-Melloi II:

…Hmph. They’re my words. That was thoughtless of me. I got a tad sentimental.
I’m just talking about a dream. In my youth, I longed to reach that place, and I built up a wealth of experience to get there.
This form isn’t something I reached naturally. Originally, I was more mediocre.
From my stomachache-inducing teaching job, to taking the name of El-Melloi, to training my sub-par magic circuits, it was all…
It was all to become the person I longed to be, during my inexperienced days. The result was this warped image of a magus you see before you.


Warped image of a magus…? I thought you were a first-rate magus, Mr. El-Melloi.

El-Melloi II:

I’m only good at my job. My skill as a magus actually isn’t much different from Gudao.
My knowledge, experience, and preparedness have somehow been fused with a first-rate monster. That’s all.
Even Dr. Roman could see that. He was honest in his assessment of my abilities.

  1. …So you’re saying that you didn’t reach your ideals?
  2. …You couldn’t reach Okeanos?

[1] El-Melloi II:

Don’t be stupid. I told you, I did. And that resulted in me being in this form, remember?
I reached my ideals, but in an unnatural way. The days just got harder, and my headaches increased.

Gudao, remember this. Ideals can be realized if your faith and desire are strong enough. But for the average person, it’s a thorny path. Your ideals will come true, but you’ll lose your life in exchange.

[2] El-Melloi II:

Well, I still haven’t set out to find it. I’m not quite ready to go find the boundless sea.


Foh, fooh!


Fou-san sees something in the forest…!?
Master, Mr. El-Melloi, enemies!

El-Melloi II:

Good grief. No time even to reminisce.
It’s starting, Master. This is a good chance for me to check on your growth.


El-Melloi II:

We took care of them without much risk. Small fry of this caliber are no longer a threat to you, I see.
Hm. I can’t say I desire your growth as a magus, but it’s evident you’ve made steady progress as a Master.
Diligence is a virtue. All right. I’ll give you this reward for your effort.


…Gemstones? They seem to be valuable Mystic Codes…

El-Melloi II:

They aren’t. They’re self-defense minerals you can get anywhere. And these are my old used ones.
In my inexperienced days, I hid them in my pockets just in case, but I don’t need them anymore.
No one is keeping track of your progress anyway, right? So, I said you can have these in place of a certification.


Foh, foh!

El-Melloi II:

[blushing] Gah, stop making a fuss, you little beast! This is the natural thing to do for a student that’s matured!
Look, thanks to you my expensive suit is ruined! And now the ocean breeze has made my hair all sticky.
Damn it, the beach is no place to be. I feel like an idiot for coming here.

[he walks away]


He’s gone…
I’m sure El-Melloi-san sees  his younger self in you, Senpai.

  1. I’m honored, but…
  2. …I’m not that eccentric…


Here, Senpai. This was his gift to you.
The Professor said they were his used tools, but I’m sure that he brought them out just for you.

Let’s keep fighting, and never give up, Senpai. We should live up to the Professor’s expectations.

[you receive Gemstones]